Details on volunteering at Rangers games:
Vounteer Schedules: We try to put out the volunteer schedule an entire month at a time but sometimes can be difficult with the changing of peole's schedules. To help ensure that we get the schedule out asap, please submit your dates that you are available to volunteer by the last week of the month for the next month. Once you've been selected to volunteer on a particular day, it would be your responsiblity to show up on that day to volunteer or find a substitute for yourself in the event you were unable to make it. Substitute names would be printed on the schedule or you can contact me for assistance in finding additional substitutes for you. If you are not able to find yourself a substitute and do not show up to work - you will be charged the Rangers Stadium fee of $75. This is because we are required to have a certain number of workers in our booth. If we have below that number, we are given a Rangers Stadium employee and charged for that person as well as for having below the number of workers required to run the stand.
Uniforms: You can wear tan pants, shorts (not short shorts; must be no shorter than 2 inches above knee) or capris and tennis shoes. You will be given a shirt to wear that is turned in at the end of the night. You MUST purchase a $5 Rangers hat. This hat is yours to keep and must be worn each time you work.
Additional Dress Code Guidelines: Earrings cannot be larger than a quarter in size. Earrings are not allowed for males. No visible tattoos or piercings. No unnatural hair colors. Hats must be worn the correct way and face forward, not sideways or backwards. Pants must be at your waist and not hanging down.
Managers/Workers: Managers need to check and pick up folders/shirts between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m. for all 7:05 p.m. games. All other workers need to check in at the stand to work at 4:00 p.m. and no later than 4:30 p.m. for all 7:05 p.m. games unless the manager on duty that day has been notified and okay'd their late arrival. Everyone has to be in the stand and ready when doors open at 5:00 p.m. for all 7:05 p.m. games.
TABC Certified Workers: All TABC certified workers must attend a one hour alcohol refresher course (DNC course) sponsored by the Rangers. After this class you will be given your Rangers badge to wear when you work. Anyone needing to reserve a spot for a DNC class must notify me no later than 3 days prior to class date. See list below for dates for all TABC/DNC/Manager classes.
Volunteer Compensation: All dispersment compensation will be a consolidation of a homestand and then divided by all those who worked the homestand (a homestand is all consecutive days Rangers play a single team). This allows the disperment to be equally distributed whether you volunteer on a weekday or weekend game.
Parking: Rangers provide a parking location to all workers free of charge. A shuttle bus to the stadium is also available.
Close Out Time: We are there to work the event until the entire event is over, our stand is clean and your manager has given you the okay to leave. This includes if the game goes into overtime or has a rain delay.
Cancellation Fee: If you confirm to work an event at Ranger stadium and do not show up; you will be charged the $75 fee that the Rangers charge us to put a Ranger employee or another person from another group in your place. We HAVE to provide the number of workers we confirm for or be subject to the fee. If a substitution is found for you (must be equivalent to you ie. tabc worker for tabc worker); then a $40 replacement fee would apply.